Advance Carb 250g Premium Activated Carbon will perform several important functions in your Aqua One set up. As well as removing tannin from the water - resulting in crystal clarity, it will remove many other toxins and pollutants leaving water pure.
Bionood ceramic cylinders are supplied with both Aqua One's Aquarium Series and their excellent Aquis and Advance Canister Filters because they offer such excellent biological filtration capacity. Change a few regularly to maintain an efficient and stable bacterial population.
Ammonia is a killer in any aquarium. Chemizee is a naturally occurring mineral which will eliminate or reduce Ammonia in any setup. Change regularly for best effect.
This Aqua One Filter Pump Outlet Kit is suitable for both the Aqua Nano 40 and AquaNano 55 and provides all the original Pipework spares that came with the original setup, including Outlet, Outlet Elbow, Airline, Venturi, Outlet Venturi, Spray Bar and Airline.
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